70 Great Christians

Geoffrey Hanks

Date published: September 2024

70 Great Christians
70 Great Christians
This book is about the Story of the Church and of people moved by God to achieve things for his glory. Some are from privileged backgrounds but the majority started out as ordinary people. God says that he will ‘choose the foolish things of this world to confound the wise’. Here we find people who are prepared to stand up to the spirit of the age and stand for the values of Christ. This is a comprehensive collection of biographies of people who have been significant in Church history.

Parenting Essentials

Andreas and Margaret Kostenberger

Date published: August 2024

Parenting Essentials
Parenting Essentials
Due to a request by Turkish believers for more Biblical resources on parenting and family life, this resource will prove valuable. The world desperately needs parents who care deeply about parenting, who embrace their God–given role with humility, grace, commitment, a sense of stewardship and love. This book takes a practical, biblical–theological approach to what parents can do together to raise a godly family in our world today.

The Purpose Driven Life

Rick Warren

Date published: May 2024

The Purpose Driven Life
The Purpose Driven Life
The Purpose Driven Life is a road map for a person’s spiritual journey. Combining thoughtful verses from Scripture with timely stories and perspectives from Warren’s own life, The Purpose Driven Life helps people discover the answer to one of life’s most important questions: What on earth am I here for? Throughout this book the author teaches the reader to spend time getting to know themselves and their Creator in order to live life to the fullest.

7 Myths about Singleness

Sam Allberry

Date published: May 2024

7 Myths about Singleness
7 Myths about Singleness
Much of what we sometimes think about singleness ― that it is primarily about the absence of good things like intimacy, family, or meaningful ministry – is not true. The Bible gives a positive view of singleness: it is a gift and a blessing from God. This book will help both married and unmarried Christians value singleness as a gift from God so that we can all encourage singles to take hold of the unique opportunities their singleness affords and see their role in the flourishing of the church as a whole.

The Message of Sonship

Trevor J Bourke

Date published: May 2024

The Message of Sonship
The Message of Sonship
This author explains this important concept very clearly, drawing out the doctrinal and pastoral implications for those who belong to Jesus. God is making for himself a family of sons and daughters who will serve him and reign with him in his kingdom for ever – and this purpose is achieved through Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God.

What is Easter?

Banu Çelik

Date published: March 2024

What is Easter?
As with Christmas, with so many false and misguided ideas of what Easter is, there is a lot of confusion in Turkey. This resource, written by a Turkish Christian who understands the issues, is a very helpful corrective and a wonderful description of what the real meaning of Easter is. The message of the resurrected Jesus is explained clearly and in terms that resonate with the culture.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Peter Scazzero

Date published: January 2024

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Due to demand, this book has been reprinted. It has proved to be of enormous help to believers throughout the Turkish speaking world. The author argues that we can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. From his own experience the author writes about how to integrate our Biblical spirituality with emotional health. The author outlines his journey and the signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality. Then he provides biblical, reality-tested ways to break through to the revolutionary life Christ meant for us.

Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus

Seth D. Postell, Eita Bar & Erez Soref

Date published: January 2024

Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus
Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus
In this book the authors give their perspective as Jewish followers of Jesus to the following questions: What is the purpose of the law? Why did God give the Torah in the first place? Did Messiah come to point us back to the law? Are we under the law? Should we follow Rabbinic traditions? What about our Hebraic Roots? Should we keep the Torah? How? The authors will deal with these questions in this unique resource and help readers to understand the issues from a Jewish Christian perspective.

What is Christmas?

Banu Çelik

Date published: November 2023

What is Christmas?
With so many false and misguided ideas of what Christmas is, there is a lot of confusion in Turkey. This resource, written by a Turkish Christian who understands the issues, is a very helpful corrective and a wonderful description of what the real meaning of Christmas is. This book since its publication, has already been used widely at Christmas events held by local churches throughout the country.

Can Science Explain Everything?

John C Lennox

Date published: November 2023

Can Science Explain Everything?
Can Science Explain Everything?
This author is very effective apologist for the Christian faith and has encouraged many people with his defence of the Bible and the Christian message. His recent book will be an asset to believers in Turkey, and particularly to students and those defending the faith at an academic level.

The Screwtape Letters

CS Lewis

Date published: August 2023

The Screwtape Letters
The Screwtape Letters
This book is a classic masterpiece of religious satire that entertains readers with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to “Our Father Below.” At once wildly comic, deadly serious, and strikingly original, C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters is one of the most powerful accounts of temptation—and triumph over it—that has ever been written. The message of this book still resonates in our own generation.

The Problem of Pain

CS Lewis

Date published: August 2023

The Problem of Pain
The Problem of Pain
A vital addition to the resources which help train others to teach. Teaching others to teach others is of enormous importance in every generation of church. The practical and Biblically based methodology in this book will be of great help to current and future teachers in church.

Called to Teach

William R Yount

Date published: June 2023

Called to Teach
Called to Teach
A vital addition to the resources which help train others to teach. Teaching others to teach others is of enormous importance in every generation of church. The practical and Biblically based methodology in this book will be of great help to current and future teachers in church.

How to Think Theologically

Howard W Stone & James O Duke

Date published: May 2023

How to Think Theologically
How to Think Theologically
The authors present their case that everyone should think theologically. Thinking theologically is not only for the professionally trained but for every believer. They very skilfully show how good theological thinking can be achieved and then be applied to everyday situations in life.

The Message of Isaiah

Barry Webb

Date published: May 2023

The Message of Isaiah
The Message of Isaiah
Now in its third printing, this was one of the very first Haberci publications as we began to embark on a Bible Commentary series. It has proved very useful and we are encouraged that it has now been reprinted and is available again to serve the Turkish church. There is tangible joy for the reader in Isaiah’s portrayal of judgment – rebuilding within the demolition, the new replacing the old. In Isaiah’s masterpiece, both national and world events reveal God’s hand, and its good news is the very hope of the world and a reminder that God is ultimately in control.

The Message of Exodus

Alec Motyer

Date published: April 2023

The Message of Exodus
The Message of Exodus
Now in its third printing, this was one of the very first Haberci publications as we began to embark on a Bible Commentary series. It has proved very useful and we are encouraged that it has now been reprinted and is available again to serve the Turkish church. The writer offers a warm-hearted and insightful exposition of what this key part of Scripture testifies about the Bible’s God. Exploring the meaning that Exodus still has for us today, he unfolds the ways it points to Jesus Christ and heralds him in advance, and how it bears on the nature and life of the people of God – their redemption, obedience, security and inheritance.

The Message of Romans

John Stott

Date published: March 2023

The Message of Romans
The Message of Romans
This was one of the very first Haberci publications as we began to embark on a Bible Commentary series. It has proved very useful and we are encouraged that it has now been reprinted and is available again to serve the Turkish church. Stott regards Paul’s letter to the Romans as a Christian manifesto for our increasingly unstable world, emphasising the good news of freedom through Jesus Christ. Paul’s vision of this freedom is astonishing. It overcomes ethnic conflict, the darkness of moral guilt, condemnation from God and alienation from others. It is a freedom to serve God and our neighbours in love. A very powerful message for any culture and generation.

Dominion and Dynasty

Stephen G Dempster

Date published: March 2023

Dominion and Dynasty
Dominion and Dynasty
This resource is a welcome addition to the study of the Old Testament. It is a masterful treatment of how the OT books are linked together in one unified theme. This book is one of an increasing number of resources aiming to meet the steadily increasing needs of more academic works.

The Message of The Church

Chris Green

Date published: February 2023

The Message of The Church
The Message of The Church
With so many false ideas of what Church is, particularly in the Muslim world, this resource is a very helpful corrective and a wonderful description of what the real meaning of Church is. The book is wide in scope and presents a Biblically faithful picture of what the church is in it’s many and varied facets.

The Message of Galatians

John Stott

Date published: December 2022

The Message of Galatians
The Message of Galatians

This was one of the very first Haberci publications as we began to embark on a Bible Commentary series. It has proved very useful and we are encouraged that it has now been reprinted and is available again to serve the Turkish church.

Among a variety of religious authorities espousing different teachings, how were these young believers in Galatia to know who was right? How were men and women to be put right with God? How could Christians in the midst of a pagan culture live lives truly pleasing to God? ‘Only one way -‘ answered Paul, ‘through Jesus Christ.’ His answer holds true for us as well. Some of the issues of our struggles have changed since Paul’s day, but the principles he sets out are as timeless as ever.

Basic Christianity

John Stott

Date published: November 2022 (3rd Edition)

Basic Christianity
Basic Christianity
This title is now in its third edition. We have printed a further 1,500 copies because this is one of the most widely used resources we have published. Both for those seeking to know more about Christianity and for those who have recently come to the faith, this book explains the basic truths of the Christian faith in a way that is helpful and easy to understand.


Derek Malcolm & Turgay Uçal

Date published: November 2022 (3rd Edition)

In 2003 the authors published this book on Biblical Ethics. The third edition has now been published. It is a wide ranging book, covering many ethical topics such as issues at the beginning and end of life, marriage and family, Christian character and much more. There has been a constant demand for this book which testifies to its usefulness.

The Message of The Word of God

Tim Meadowcroft

Date published: September 2022

The Message of The Word of God
The Message of The Word of God
Understanding the Bible and its message is of the utmost importance. This resource in Turkish will supplement the few resources already available. The author explains how God is a God who speaks. He speaks through His Word, through His Son and He speaks to His people today.

Leading with Love

Alexander Strauch

Date published: August 2022

Leading with Love
Leading with Love
In a culture where the expected model of leadership often lacks the concept of humility and servanthood, the author explains clearly from the Bible the importance of Christlike, humble, servant leadership. This book has a powerful message which will challenge prevailing culture and present a counter-cultural model which will transform church leadership.

A Handbook of New Testament Exegesis

Craig L Blomberg

Date published: July 2022

A Handbook of New Testament Exegesis
A Handbook of New Testament Exegesis
This title is a welcome addition to our resources which help the Bible student, preacher and teacher to understand the Biblical text and rightly divide the Word of truth. This is a discipline which is very important to teach those who will bring the Word of God to their churches.

Pastoral Preaching

Conrad Mbewe

Date published: June 2022

Pastoral Preaching
Pastoral Preaching
The sub-title to this book is “Building a People for God.” This helpful book gives emphasis to the fact that preaching must be pastoral in nature, aiming to challenge, inform and bring to maturity believers in Christ. It is a vital resource for training and equipping preachers as they develop their gift and seek to build a mature people for God’s glory.

The Message of Mark

Donald English

Date published: May 2022 (2nd Edition)

The Message of Mark
The Message of Mark
Another reprint from our popular Bible Commentary series. This publication of this Bible commentary helps our aim to provide a good, reliable Bible commentary in Turkish for every book of the Bible. The author gives us a careful and detailed study of Mark’s Gospel. This commentary will take the reader a little deeper into the message of this book and stimulate thinking about how its message should be applied to the modern church both in Turkey and everywhere.

The Message of Matthew

Michael Green

Date published: April 2022 (2nd Edition)

The Message of Matthew
The Message of Matthew
We are very encouraged that our Bible Commentary series has now been completed. We are even more encouraged that some of our earlier titles have been well received and are now out of stock. The Message of Matthew is the first in what we pray will be many reprints of this series. Michael Green’s exposition of the Gospel of Matthew is very helpful, clear and challenging and is a useful tool for pastor, elder and anyone who is a student of the Bible.

Seeing with New Eyes

David Powlison

Date published: February 2022

Seeing with New Eyes
Seeing with New Eyes
Does God have anything to say about the myriad issues counselling deals with today? Has he communicated the way he thinks? The author helps us to see how God sees things in the counselling context, training us to see what God sees, hear what he says, and do what he does. As we look through this Scriptural lens, we will become more thoughtful in understanding people and more skillful in helping people where they need help. This resource will be an enormous help for those who are involved in Biblical counselling.


Paul Gardner

Date published: January 2022

This publication of this Bible commentary completes our aim to provide a good, reliable Bible commentary in Turkish for every book of the Bible. The author gives us a careful and detailed study of Revelation, a book which is very difficult to interpret. It is a vital book, written at a time of fierce persecution of the church. It also addresses the situation of churches situated in what is now south west Turkey. This commentary will take the reader a little deeper into the message of this book and stimulate thinking about how the teaching should be applied to the modern church both in Turkey and everywhere.

The New Freedom of Forgiveness

David Augsburger

Date published: December 2021

The New Freedom of Forgiveness
The New Freedom of Forgiveness
Seventy times seven… how many times shall I forgive? Our Lord answers us clearly that our forgiveness of those who hurt us shall have no end. This is one of the most difficult challenges any person has to face. The author knows the outrageous cost-and incomparable value-of forgiving. He also knows this is a believer’s only option. Any other course of action will not only be destructive, it will violate the will of God. This is a challenging message but one which is essential in any culture, but especially in a culture which often sees forgiveness as an act of weakness. This book is an essential resource not only for understanding what God requires, but also learning how to apply it every day.

Where is God in a Coronavirus World?

John C Lennox

Date published: June 2021

Where is God in a Coronavirus World?
Where is God in a Coronavirus World?
We are living through a very unique period. The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us. How do we begin to think it through and cope with it? In this short yet profound book, Oxford University mathematics professor John Lennox examines the coronavirus in light of various belief systems and shows how the Christian worldview not only helps us to make sense of it, but also offers us a sure and certain hope to cling to. We hope this small book will be used in evangelism as well as to encourage believers.

Christ-Centred Preaching

Bryan Chapell

Date published: June 2021

Christ-Centred Preaching
Christ-Centred Preaching
This book reflects the demand we are receiving for textbooks and more academic resources for the growing and maturing church. We find this very encouraging. The author gives a clear guide to preparation and delivery of sermons. He takes preachers step by step through the process of preparing expository sermons which are faithful to the text, redemptive in focus, and application-oriented in style. A real hands-on, practical help for preachers undergirded by sound academic rigour.

Gospel Centred Hermeneutics

Graham Goldsworthy

Date published: March 2021

Gospel Centred Hermeneutics
Gospel Centred Hermeneutics
While there are many books on hermeneutics, Graeme Goldsworthy’s perception is that evangelical contributions often do not give sufficient attention to the vital relationship between hermeneutics and theology, both systematic and biblical. Goldsworthy’s aim throughout is to commend the much-neglected role of biblical theology in hermeneutical practice, with pastoral concern for the people of God as they read, interpret and seek to live by his written Word.

The Call to Joy and Pain

Ajith Fernando

Date published: February 2021

The Call to Joy and Pain
The Call to Joy and Pain
Joy and pain are both aspects of the call of God for the Christian. The Bible even presents pain as a trigger for joy. The author explores how this is so, showing the connection between rejoicing and suffering, how suffering draws us nearer to God, and how suffering makes us more effective in service. By examining Paul’s words on the subject of suffering for Christ from Colossians 1:24-29, the author explains how suffering can be a blessing to the individual Christian and to the church as a whole. This book will be a help to believers in Turkey.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Peter Scazzero

Date published: January 2021

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
We are happy to reprint this book which has been an enormous help to many believers. The author argues that we can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. From his own experience the author writes about how to integrate our Biblical spirituality with emotional health. The author outlines his journey and the signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality. Then he provides biblical, reality-tested ways to break through to the revolutionary life Christ meant for us.

The Message of Creation

David Wilkinson

Date published: December 2020

The Message of Creation
The Message of Creation
The large number and diversity of biblical passages dealing with the theme of creation underlines its central importance to the biblical message. As a theologian (whose focus is the Bible) and as an eminent astrophysicist (whose subject is the visible universe) the author is well placed to try to capture some of the richness of the biblical portrayal of creation.

The Universe Next Door

James W Sire

Date published: December 2020

The Universe Next Door
The Universe Next Door
For more than forty years, this book has set the standard for an introduction to world views. The author has developed a widely influential model of eight basic worldview questions to examine prominent world views that have shaped the Western world. The very helpful critique of each world view within its own frame of reference and in comparison to others will challenge and inform Turkish believers as they grapple with trying to understand and analyse other world views, particularly from a Biblical world view.

The Message of the Living God

Peter Lewis

Date published: November 2020

The Message of the Living God
The Message of the Living God
There is nothing more important, more urgent, than knowing the living God. Nothing will so shape our thoughts, our actions and our perspective than personal knowledge of God as creator and redeemer. The author helps us to deepen our knowledge of God with an exploration of key passages from Genesis to Revelation. Beginning with the creation story of Genesis 1 and ending with Revelation’s doxology, this clear and helpful exposition displays God’s eternal being, creating work and redeeming acts.

The Complete Book of Discipleship

Bill Hull

Date published: October 2020

The Complete Book of Discipleship
The Complete Book of Discipleship
Good discipleship is central to a new Christian growing strong in the faith. This comprehensive book covers every aspect of this important subject, drawn from the author’s own years of experience. This book is a valuable resource for every believer.

The Message of Evil and Suffering

Peter Hicks

Date published: October 2020

The Message of Evil and Suffering
The Message of Evil and Suffering
Evil and suffering have always been part of human experience – and they present a significant challenge to Christian belief in a good and all-powerful God. Evil and suffering may be a mystery to us, but they are not a mystery to God. The Bible writers are confident that God’s power and wisdom are great enough not just to cope with the realities of suffering and evil, but to overcome and transform them, and to enable us to be ‘more than conquerors’ in a broken and hurting world. This book is very relevant to the challenges believers face.

Is God Anti-Gay?

Sam Allberry

Date published: August 2020

Is God Anti-Gay?
Is God Anti-Gay?
The subject matter of this small book is very relevant for today. In this short, simple, well written and honest book, Sam Allberry wants to help confused Christians understand what God has said about questions of same sex attraction in the scriptures, and offers a positive, Biblically based and liberating way forward through the debate. This book should help all who wish to learn more and develop a thoroughly Biblical view on the subject.

Knowing God

J.I. Packer

Date published: August 2020

Knowing God
Knowing God
This is one of the most influential books published in the last generation. It is an accessible and detailed study of the doctrine of God. Countless Christians have been blessed, encouraged and taught about the truth of who God is through reading the English version. We have no doubt that the Turkish edition will similarly be a blessing and an encouragement.

The Story of Christian Theology

Roger E. Olson

Date published: March 2020

The Story of Christian Theology
The Story of Christian Theology
In this panoramic work of historical theology, Roger Olson recounts the deeds and words of the apostolic fathers of the second century, the clash between the theological schools of Alexandria and Antioch, the division between East and West, the revolutionary advent of the Reformation and much more – right on up to and through the twentieth century. Through it all he highlights a common thread: a concern for salvation – God’s redemptive activity in forgiving and transforming sinful human beings. This long awaited book will fill a gaping hole in historical theology in the Turkish language.

The Canon of Scripture

F. F. Bruce

Date published: January 2020

The Canon of Scripture
The Canon of Scripture
How did the books of the Bible come to be recognised as Holy Scripture? What criteria influenced these decisions? F. F. Bruce brings the wisdom of a lifetime of reflection and biblical interpretation to bear in answering the questions and clearing away the confusion surrounding the Christian canon of Scripture. Adept in both Old and New Testament studies, he brings a rare comprehensive perspective to his task. This reprint will serve the next generation of Turkish believers.

The Message of Mission

Howard Peskett and Vinoth Ramachandra

Date published: January 2020

The Message of Mission
The Message of Mission
The church is a community shaped by the cross and mandated to reproduce and grow so that Jesus Christ may be more and more glorified. Christian mission has its foundation in the God revealed in Scripture, who sent his Son for us, sends his Spirit to us and summons people to himself. The authors explore the missional privilege and responsibility of the church: to testify by its words and deeds to Jesus Christ, God’s unique Son, crucified, risen and ascended.

The Message of Heaven and Hell

Bruce Milne

Date published: December 2019

The Message of Heaven and Hell
The Message of Heaven and Hell
These are very important subjects with very little written on them in Turkish. This book should go a long way to remedy that situation. Death is a certainty in any culture. But what awaits us beyond death? The author guides the reader from Genesis to Revelation, stopping to examine key texts that illumine the destiny of humanity, the nature of heaven and hell and the glory of life everlasting in the presence of God for those who believe.

Theology of the Reformers

Timothy George

Date published: December 2019

Theology of the Reformers
Theology of the Reformers
An up-to-date explanation of the theology of the Reformers. This textbook has already received considerable attention since its publication. There is no resource in Turkish quite like it. The publishing of this book has added considerably to the theological resources available in Turkish.

Peace with God

Billy Graham

Date published: November 2019

Peace with God
Peace with God
This is a timeless classic. Now in its second reprint, this book by Billy Graham sets out very clearly the Gospel message and how someone can have peace with God through what Christ achieved at the cross.

The Message of 2 Timothy

John Stott

Date published: November 2019

The Message of 2 Timothy
The Message of 2 Timothy
John Stott, in his exposition of this letter, treats it with the attention to detail of a true scholar and the caring heart of a true pastor. Paul’s last letter is treated with great sensitively and always with the application of the text in mind. No pastor should be without this helpful commentary. It will be a valuable resource for the church in Turkey.

The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus

John Stott

Date published: October 2019

The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus
The Message of 1 Timothy and Titus
The writers passion for explaining the text comes across very powerfully. This very clear and helpful commentary will be an asset to the Bible Commentary series. John Stott draws on a lifetime of pastoral reflection and church leadership in this book which is full of practical application.

Song of Songs

James M. Hamilton Jr

Date published: August 2019

Song of Songs
Song of Songs
The Song of Songs has presented a unique challenge to Bible scholars and commentators for generations. However the author’s commentary is helpful and clear. He brings fresh light on this inspiring and uplifting book. It will be an enormous asset to the library of Bible teachers, church leaders and every believer wishing to understand this Old Testament book better.

The Grace and Truth Paradox

Randy Alcorn

Date published: August 2019

The Grace and Truth Paradox
The Grace and Truth Paradox
This title is the seventh in our “Living to Please God” small book series. The author handles this subject in a clear and pastorally sensitive way. He suggests a simple two-point checklist for Christlikeness based on John 1:14. The test consists of balancing grace and truth, equally and unapologetically. Grace without truth deceives people, and ceases to be grace. Truth without grace crushes people, and ceases to be truth. The author shows the reader how to show the world Jesus – offering grace instead of the world’s apathy and tolerance, offering truth instead of the world’s relativism and deception. This title will be a means of encouragement to all who read it.

Healing for Damaged Emotions

David Seamands

Date published: June 2019

Healing for Damaged Emotions
Healing for Damaged Emotions
This reprint of our all time best seller demonstrates the need for a book such as this. Whether in physical sales or in digital downloads, this book is by far the most requested of all our titles. We pray that God would continue to use this reprint to bring healing to the hurting and point people to the Lord Jesus.

The Message of Joshua

David G. Firth

Date published: June 2019

The Message of Joshua
The Message of Joshua
This book is a very helpful exposition of one of the most difficult books of the Old Testament. It does not shrink away from the issues that the book presents. The author deals with these issues and provides pastorally sensitive answers to the questions raised.

The Message of the Resurrection

Paul Beasley Murray

Date published: March 2019

The Message of the Resurrection
The Message of the Resurrection
The doctrine of the resurrection has often come under attack. This is very true in a Muslim context where it is taught and believed that Christ did not actually die on the cross and therefore was not raised on the third day. This book is a vital addition to the resources available to Turkish speaking Christians concerning a foundational teaching constantly under attack.

Basic Christianity

John Stott

Date published: March 2019

Basic Christianity
Basic Christianity
We are very encouraged to have reprinted this classic book by John Stott. This is an excellent tool to help in discipleship of a young believer. It is also a book that can be given to an enquirer. Although first published over 40 years ago this book continues to be relevant and effective resource as it sets out and clearly explains the main doctrines and beliefs of Biblical Christianity.

The Message of the Person of Christ

Robert Letham

Date published: March 2019

The Message of the Person of Christ
The Message of the Person of Christ
The author’s purpose is to show how the Bible, progressively and in ever greater detail, speaks to us of its central figure, Jesus Christ. With clarity and conviction, he explains how this one person, identified by angels, by John the Baptist, by the apostles and – above all – by his incarnation, life and works, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension: Jesus Christ, is the Deliverer and Saviour foretold and promised throughout the Scriptures. The person of Jesus Christ is the key to the Bible’s story of God’s unfolding plan to glorify himself.

The Beginner’s Guide to Expository Preaching

Stephen McQuoid

Date published: February 2019

The Beginner's Guide to Expository Preaching
The Beginner's Guide to Expository Preaching
This book will be a very helpful resource for those who are learning to preach and teach. Whether in small groups or in church those who communicate the word of God have a responsibility to do so clearly. The author outlines some very important principles which will help both a novice and an experienced preacher.

Mere Christianity

C.S. Lewis

Date published: February 2019

Mere Christianity
Mere Christianity
This all time classic has just undergone its third reprint in Turkish. That speaks to its enduring usefulness and relevance to generation after generation. Students particularly find CS Lewis’s writings helpful, but his writings have a very wide appeal. As the author explores what Christians believe and the nature of faith, his teaching continues to both help and challenge another generation.

Life Together & The Psalms

Deitrich Bonhoeffer

Date published: February 2019

Deitrich Bonhoeffer
Life Together & The Psalms
This book, translated from the original German, with its pastoral insights is a timeless classic. It will be of great encouragement to any believer or any church which is living in and through difficult and challenging conditions.

The Message of 2 Peter and Jude

Dick Lucas & Christopher Green

Date published: December 2018

The Message of 2 Peter & Jude
The Message of 2 Peter and Jude
These two letters of 2 Peter and Jude are sometimes overlooked, yet their message for today’s church is timely and relevant. Today, as in the first century, Christians must guard against false guides who lead young believers astray and cause divisions within the community of faith. Responding to this ever-present danger, 2 Peter and Jude equip readers to discern truth from illusion and exhort them to loyalty, harmony and spiritual maturity.

The Message of Ecclesiastes

Derek Kidner

Date published: October 2018

The Message of Ecclesiastes
The Message of Ecclesiastes
An age old question…What is life about? In the end, does it all amount to a wisp of vapour, a puff of wind, a mere breath? So says the Preacher in the book of Ecclesiastes. But is this the whole message of Ecclesiastes? With helpful clarity, Derek Kidner introduces this Old Testament book which speaks so powerfully to our generation.

Measuring Morality

Edwin Lutzer

Date published: October 2018

The author demonstrates the necessity of having an absolute standard by which to measure ethical decisions. He argues that in a world which has rejected objective standards and replaced them with subjective and emotive measures, the only answer is a return to the truthful and objective standards of God. This book will be very useful as people think through the moral mess in which we live.

The Gospel of the Kingdom

George Eldon Ladd

Date published: September 2018

The subject of God’s kingdom is central to the New Testament. In this classic and groundbreaking work, the author presents a helpful study on this subject. This is a valuable addition to the library of Biblical resources in Turkish.

The Message of Prayer

Tim Chester

Date published: July 2018

The Message of Prayer
The author’s insightful exposition of this central aspect of Christian living is driven by the conviction that we need to reform not only our thinking and behaviour in the light of God’s Word, but also our praying. Drawing on a wide range of biblical texts, he explores the foundations and the practice of prayer, and shows that how we understand prayer is bound up with how we understand the gospel, and God himself.

The Message of Lamentations

Christopher J H Wright

Date published: June 2018

The Message of Lamentations
This was a traumatic event in Old Testament history, with its extreme human suffering, devastation of the ancient city, national humiliation, and the undermining of all that was thought to be theologically guaranteed – the Davidic monarchy, the city of Zion, and the temple of the God of Israel. It is out of that unspeakable pain that Lamentations speaks. How can suffering be endured alongside faith in an all-loving, good God? Even if these events are recognised and accepted as God’s judgment, has not the flood of brutality and evil gone beyond all bounds? If anarchy, death and destruction stalk the land, can the centre of Israel’s faith hold? The author shows that we must not isolate Lamentations from the rest of the Bible. We must still let it speak for itself, as a book for today.

The Message of Holiness

Derek Tidball

Date published: May 2018

The Message of Holiness
The author surveys the Scriptures for a biblical understanding of the mandate from God to “be holy as I am holy.” The triune God of glory, he contends, sets us on paths that lead us through encounters with God, ourselves, our enemies and our companions to our ultimate destination, where we discover that we have been reshaped by God into his own image. This subject transcends cultures and exhorts believers everywhere to be holy.

What’s the Difference?

John Piper

Date published: May 2018

The Subject of manhood and womanhood is strongly debated today and impacts our society. For Christians the Bible must be the last word. But what does it teach about true manhood and womanhood? In what ways are men and women essentially the same? In what ways are they essentially different? How do these differences affect our roles in the home, the church, and the wider society? This booklet will be a very helpful resource for believers to help them think through the issues.

The Message of Hosea

Derek Kidner

Date published: March 2018

The Message of Hosea
The Message of Hosea
“Go and marry a prostitute.” These are the startling words God spoke to his prophet Hosea. Why would God ask this of one of his prophets? Because he wanted to teach Hosea, the nation of Israel, and all of us today a lesson we will not forget. Hosea’s paints a sombre picture of the human condition. All of us have played the harlot by forsaking God and his ways. The picture is not pretty but it’s true. Yet Hosea’s clear illustration of God’s love for us brings joy. While we are yet sinners, God comes to us and loves us. We are therefore encouraged to lives lives worthy of the God who loves the loveless.

Risk is Right

John Piper

Date published: March 2018

Risk is Right
Risk is Right
This is a powerful and challenging little book which guarantees to shake a believer out of complacency. The author says: “A choice lies before you: Either waste your life or live with risk… life was no cakewalk for Jesus, and he didn’t promise it would be any easier for his followers. We shouldn’t be surprised by resistance and persecution. We pursue comfort. We spend ourselves to get more stuff. And we prefer to be entertained… But what kind of life is that? It’s a far cry from what Jesus calls us to. Hear God’s promise to go with us into the unknown. And… see the joys of a faith-filled life of Jesus-dependent abandon!”

The Message of Proverbs

David Atkinson

Date published: December 2017

The Message of Proverbs
The Message of Proverbs
The book of Proverbs is a very practical book. Its instruction in the art of living has been long tried and long proven. In this commentary the ancient voice of Wisdom cries out again. She summons us to the life skills of godliness and helps us say no to the foolish and destructive enticements that inhabit the daily life of the modern world. But as much as we glean from the surface of Proverbs, there remains still more in its depths. This commentary wonderfully illumines the ancient cultural and religious background of the discourses and sayings of Proverbs. It is Godly wisdom for the people of God in any generation and culture.

The Purity Principle

Randy Alcorn

Date published: November 2017

The Purity Principle
The Purity Principle
This book deals with: raising children to embrace sexual purity, providing an example of purity in the home, protecting purity in dating (at any age) and maintaining purity in marriage. Biblical, practical, and concise, this book will help believers to understand the importance of sexual purity as it is taught in the Scriptures.

The Message of Obadiah, Nahum and Zephaniah

Gordon Bridger

Date published: November 2017

The Message of Obadiah, Nahum and Zephaniah
The Message of Obadiah, Nahum and Zephaniah
The messages of these prophets teach the importance of focusing on God, who is personal, sovereign, righteous and loving; of facing up to sin and judgment; of responding in repentance and faith; and of the hope of future salvation. They also relate to the real world and the social, political, moral and spiritual issues of the day.These challenging books tackle themes and issues still relevant for today.

The Message of Acts

John Stott

Date published: November 2017

The Message of Acts
Luke’s account of the spread of the Gospel in the early years after Pentecost is thrilling and encouraging. This is even more so when the Turkish reader realises that much of what happened took place in what is now Turkey.

The Message of Luke

Michael Wilcock

Date published: September 2017

The Message of Luke
Message of Luke
With the publication of Luke, we now have a commentary of each of the four Gospels in Turkish. This is a significant addition to the series. Luke stresses clearly in his introduction the historical reliability of what he is writing, a powerful testimony to the truth of what he writes which is so often under attack.

The Message of Joel, Micah & Habakkuk

David Prior

Date published: June 2017

The Message of Joel, Micah & Habakkuk
Message of Joel, Micah and Habakkuk
These Old Testament prophets brought very important messages from God to the people of their own generation. The messages they spoke and the conditions into which they spoke as the people of God had lost their way, are as relevant today as they were when first given.

The Message of Mark

Donald English

Date published: May 2017

The Message of Mark
Message of Mark
The second of the four written testimonies we have recorded for us in the New Testament which details the life, teaching, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Message of Jonah

Rosemary Nixon

Date published: May 2017

The Message of Jonah
Message of Jonah
The message of this Old Testament book is a powerful one. It speaks of the reluctance and eventual obedient God servant, a message which has relevance down through the generations. The book also speaks about God’s love for the nations and the importance that His message of repentance and forgiveness is not to be held on to, but shared with everyone, even with the most unlikely and undeserving.

In Light of Eternity

Randy Alcorn

Date published: March 2017

The Light of Eternity
In Light of Eternity
This little book gives a description and a foretaste of heaven. This subject is seldom preached on and ideas about heaven are many. However, the author, with careful attention to Biblical teaching, shows the reader that heaven is a place we definitely want to be. It s infinitely better than the false heavens that are held out to distract God’s people.

The Message of Judges

Michael Wilcock

Date published: March 2017

The Message of Judges
The Message of Judges
This difficult book, full of colourful characters, has presented the reader with many challenges over the generations. However, with God as the absolute and final judge all is not lost. He will rescue His people.

The Message of Chronicles

Michael Wilcock

Date published: February 2017

The Message of Chronicles
The Message of Chronicles
With the publication of Chronicles, this completes the historical Old Testament trilogy of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. These historical books give the reader much more than historical facts. They challenge God’s people today to follow God in a willing obedience that leads to blessing and not in disobedience that will lead to a broken relationship with God.

The Treasure Principle

Randy Alcorn

Date published: January 2017

The Treasure Principle
The Treasure Principle
A book that is needed for every generation of believer. It deals with the challenging subject of stewardship of the resources that God gives us. The author reminds the reader that God owns everything and what we have must be held lightly and used for His glory.

The Message of Ezra and Haggai

Robert Fyall

Date published: January 2017

The Message of Ezra and Haggai
The Message of Ezra and Haggai
The message of these Old Testament books, and their emphasis on building for God and the need of obedience to his Word and openness to his Spirit, is very relevant today. The contemporary parallels of the challenges God’s ancient people faced to those of today’s church wherever it is found, are very clear.

The Message of Daniel

Dale Ralph Davis

Date published: December 2016

The Message of Daniel
This book is set at the time when God’s people were living as exiles in Babylon. It records God’s faithful servant Daniel, who remained faithful to God in the face of enormous challenges to compromise or even face death.

The Message of Ruth

David Atkinson

Date published: November 2016

The Message of Ruth
The Message of Ruth
This remarkable book sheds insight into the ordinary lives of very ordinary people at a difficult time in Israel’s history. The book shows how God cares for His people and how His purposes will be worked out in human history, no matter what.

The Message of Jeremiah

Christopher J.H. Wright

Date published: October 2016

The Message of Jeremiah
The Message of Jeremiah
The prophet Jeremiah spoke to the people of Judah and Jerusalem in the period leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 587BC. Jeremiah faithfully delivered the word of God to His people at one of the most frightening and difficult times in Jerusalem’s history. Jeremiah reveals the heart of God and God’s faithfulness no matter what was happening in the world around.

The Message of Numbers

Raymond Brown

Date published: July 2016

The Message of Numbers
The Message of Numbers
The Book of Numbers completes the first five books of the Old Testament. This valuable resource will help to deepen the understanding of God’s faithfulness to His people, even though they were unfaithful. The Book of Numbers illustrates powerfully how God provides for His people and wants the very best for them if only they will trust and obey Him.

The Message of Zechariah

Barry Webb

Date published: May 2016

The Message of Zechariah
The message of Zechariah’s prophecy is full of hope, pointing to the eventual coming of God’s righteous kingdom. There are prophecies which foretell clearly the coming of God’s Messiah. These powerfully illustrate just how inter-connected the Old and New Testaments are. Throughout history God’s character does not change and one day His promises will be fulfilled. What a message of hope for God’s people then and today.

The Message of Malachi

Peter Adam

Date published: March 2016

The Message of Malachi
This commentary is the last book of the Old Testament revelation. It issues a grave warning to the people of God then and now, that compromise and meaningless ritual is not what a God of infinite love deserves. The book also looks forward in shining hope to the further revelation that in God’s time the New Testament will bring. This is a relevant message for all Christians of all generations and cultures.

The Message of Nehemiah

Raymond Brown

Date published: February 2016

The Message of Nehemiah
The Message of Nehemiah
The message of this book is an enormous encouragement to believers of every generation. God’s guidance, protection and faithfulness in the face of intense opposition can be seen at every turn. Nehemiah himself is a role model for all believers who find themselves in tough situations.

The Message of Kings

John W. Olley

Date published: January 2016

The Message of Kings
The Message of Kings
Following on from The Message of Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings continues to relate the chequered history of Israel under its kings. There are many lessons to learn from the history recorded in these books. John Olley helps the reader to understand the enormous relevance this sacred history has for God’s people today. This commentary is a welcome addition to the Old Testament resources available in Turkish.

The Message of John’s Letters

David Jackman

Date published: November 2015

The Message of John's Letters
The Message of John's Letters
Immorality is inundating the Christian community and gradually eroding the foundations of Christian living. The truth of God incarnate, the atonement and the bodily resurrection of Christ are under attack – even from within the church. These are the concerns of Christians today, and they were the problems that faced the Christians of John’s day. John encouraged Christians with a message composed of two words – truth and love. It is a message both timeless and timely for the church today.

The Message of Job

David Atkinson

Date published: October 2015

The Message of Job
The Message of Job
Why do people suffer? How can we help those who suffer? The fact of suffering in the world challenges us with its questions. The book of Job is all about human suffering. It portrays one person’s sufferings and the ineffective responses of his friends. Job’s struggle for faith and understanding is both a comfort to us in our own suffering and a model for us as we help others going through difficult times.

The Message of Esther

David G. Firth

Date published: October 2015

The Message of Esther
The Message of Esther
This book describes a crucial chapter in the history of God’s people. God is not mentioned by name throughout the book, but evidences of His care and His sovereign control are everywhere as His people are rescued once more through the obedience of a God fearing and courageous woman.

Knowing & Doing

John McQuoid

Date published: October 2015

Knowing and Doing
Knowing and Doing
A very practical book about discipleship. This is a very useful tool to help those who are considering the Christian faith to understand what is involved, and a manual for young Christians to help them grow in their faith. This book is being published digitally for free download from a Turkish Christian resources website.

The Message of Hebrews

Raymond Brown

Date published: April 2015

The Message of Hebrews
The Message of Hebrews
It seems that the believers who were the recipients of the letter to the Hebrews were tempted to look back under pressure and wonder if the old religion wasn’t better after all. However, the writer assures them that the covenant they have entered into through the Lord Jesus is far better.This commentary and its message is very relevant for Turkish believers.

The Message of the Trinity

Brian Edgar

Date published: March 2015

The Message of the Trinity
The Message of the Trinity
The doctrine of the Trinity is vital to our understanding of God. However this doctrine has been so often misunderstood. This book is an excellent resource which will help Turkish believers understand the doctrine of the Trinity for themselves and also teach it clearly to others.

The Meaning of Easter

Banu Çelik

Date published: March 2015

The Meaning of Easter
We are very happy to facilitate the publishing of a booklet written by a Turkish believer which explains what happened at Easter. It is anticipated that this booklet will be used widely by believers in Turkey and beyond as a useful tool to help explain the meaning and significance of Easter to their friends.

The Message of Amos

Alec Motyer
Date published: February 2015

The Message of Amos
The Message of Amos
The messages of the Old Testament prophets may have been first given many centuries ago, but their relevance still rings out clearly in our own generation. This commentary on The Message of Amos is a valuable addition to the Old Testament resources in Turkish.

God’s Plan for the Local Church

Nigel Lacey
Date published: January 2015

God's Plan for the Local Church
We are excited to see this book completed, not only because it is a very useful and practical handbook describing the features which should mark a local church, but this is the first of our resources we are making available as a free download from a Turkish Christian resources website.We hope to produce more resources for free download (copyright permitting) in the near future.You can view the website and all it has to offer at hristiyankitaplar.com.

The Message of 1 Peter

Edmund Clowney
Date published: January 2015

The Message of 1 Peter
The Message of 1 Peter
In Peter’s first letter he is writing to the believers scattered around five of the first century provinces of the Roman Empire (1 Peter 1:1-2), all of which are located where Turkey is today. The message that Peter has for these first century believers is as relevant now for believers as it was then. This should be a very helpful resource for believers in Turkey.

The Message of Salvation

Philip Ryken
Date published: October 2014

The Message of Salvation
The Message of Salvation
This book is all about the best news the world has ever heard – the message of God’s salvation. The author explains clearly this vital truth through careful consideration of the Bible’s teaching. The book will encourage believers and help them to understand and also to explain the message of salvation.

Mere Christianity

C.S. Lewis
Date published: May 2014

Mere Christianity
Mere Christianity
We are excited to see this classic book back in print in Turkish. The book has been widely used to help build up believers’ faith. Many who have been just looking at the Christian faith have found this book compelling.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Peter Scazzero
Date published: May 2014

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
This book will fill a much-needed gap. There are currently few resources in Turkish which help to give a Biblical perspective on this subject. The subtitle says: “It’s impossible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature.” The author outlines his journey and the signs of emotionally unhealthy spirituality. Then he provides seven biblical, reality-tested ways to experience the emotionally healthy life Christ meant for His followers.

The Message of Colossians and Philemon

RC Lucas
Date published: April 2014

The Message of Colossians & Philemon
The Message of Colossians and Philemon
Dick Lucas’s commentary in the IVP Bible Speaks Today series is a welcome addition to this commentary series. It is the first Bible commentary in Turkish on these New Testament books. It will be appreciated by the believers and church leaders in Turkey and beyond.

The Message of Ezekiel

Christopher Wright
Date published: March 2014

The Message of Ezekiel
The Message of Ezekiel
Chris Wright’s commentary in the IVP Bible Speaks Today series is a welcome addition to this commentary series. It is the first Bible commentary in Turkish on Ezekiel. It is a welcome addition to Old Testament Biblical resources in Turkish.

Sermon on the Mount

John Stott
Date published: January 2014

Sermon on the Mount
Sermon on the Mount
John’s Stott’s exposition of this crucial set of chapters in Matthew’s Gospel has proved to be helpful and challenging to many. Pray that it will be no less so in its Turkish edition of this IVP Bible Speaks Today commentary.